I really wanted to write a post about a skincare product which really love, and has changed my outlook on skincare. I have not ever really been too excited about skincare, and to be honest was pretty lazy at taking care of my skin - mostly using face wipes to remove makeup, and only very inconsistently actually washing my face (tut tut).
This cleansing butter is brilliant as it removes all makeup, including waterproof eye products without having to scrub and pull at your eyes. It cleanses the skin really effectively without feeling harsh and leaves the skin feeling lovely and moisturised, and has a lovely gentle smell. I use this by taking a small scoop and massaging it all over my face (onto dry skin), and then wash it off using a flannel and warm water. This product also works well mixed with a small amount of brown sugar to make an effective facial scrub, which helps to remove dry skin.
It costs £12 but you can always buy it as part of some deal (psst - the Body Shop currently have 40% off everything).
It costs £12 but you can always buy it as part of some deal (psst - the Body Shop currently have 40% off everything).
I have always had a very simple skincare routine of cleansing + moisturiser, but this product has made me start to really enjoy my little skincare regime and has meant I've started researched other skincare ingredients and products, so I may have a few more reviews coming soon.
Happy face washing!
Fi x